Edited on Mon Dec-08-03 09:02 PM by Mari333
I will be sending this to our local rag:
Dear Editor: Our family will not be celebrating the "Holidays" this year. No, we will not. There is nothing to "celebrate". Our stepson, who is 21, was just informed today that on Dec 21 he will be sent for 18 months to what his seargant described as "a sandy dangerous place". While this "Faux" Holiday frenzy of buying and the nausea of cheery Holiday music fills the air of your shopping malls and stores, remember...many of us will be ignoring it. We will ignore the season of "peace" and "good will". Because we dont think there is any "peace and goodwill" to celebrate. We are the parents of the military. There is NO goodwill and peace when almost 500 of our children have been sent to be slaughtered in a fraudulent war by an illegal pResident in the name of his friends and cronies who are hell bent on making billions of dollars in rigged contracts for Halliburton and Bechtel, and the Carlyle Group. Our country has been hijacked by greedy miscreants who are sending OUR children off to fight for NOTHING. They die in the desert daily, to prop up the incomes of the very wealthy, the friends of Bush....and the crowd that owns the White House now, called PNAC... www.newamericancentury.org These are the greedy bastards who want to kill our children. These are why our children die for NOTHING. In the meantime, go about your Holiday shopping, pretend there is "peace" and "goodwill" , drink eggnog and keep pretending that as US citizens, you are well and happy this "Holiday " season. In the meantime, over 500 dead soldiers families, and thousands of wounded soldiers families, and many more of us who are about to lose our children to this fraudulent war, are NOT celebrating. The "Holidays" this year are filled with BLOOD...The Blood and Death of our children, and that BLOOD is on the hands of every US citizen who supports this fraudulent war in Iraq. Shame, Shame on anyone who supports this war and the ongoing murder and atrocity of our young men and women who are being sent like sheep to the slaughter in the name of GREED and OIL. The Blood is on your hands. Oh, and "Merry Christmas", by the way. Enjoy your denial. Remember one thing tho. Anyone who supports and encourages the death and destruction of our soldiers and loved ones do NOT represent Christ. The Blood is on YOUR hands.