The Voter Confidence Act, HR 2239, which would require voter-verifiable paper ballots for touchscreen voting machines, is presently in the Committee on House Administration.
Ask House members to cosponsor The Voter Confidence Act, HR 2239.
Ask Senators to introduce a companion bill in the Senate.
Please call Republicans and tell them that Rep. Tom Davis III (R-VA), Rep. Christopher Shays (R-CT), and Rep. Charles Bass (R-NH) are co-sponsors.
Please call Democrats and tell them that the bill was introduced by Rep. Rush Holt (D-NJ), and has 84 cosponsors.
Ask the people below to cosponsor The Voter Confidence Act, HR 2339.
Committee on House Administration
Republican Committee Members
Rep. Robert W. Ney, Chairman (OH) Phone: 202-225-6265
Rep. John T. Doolittle (CA) Phone: 202-225-2511
Rep. Vernon J. Ehlers (MI) Phone: 202-225-3831
Rep. John Linder (GA) Phone: 202-225-4272
Rep. John L. Mica (FL) Phone: 202-225-4035
Rep. Thomas M. Reynolds (NY) Phone: 202-225-5265
Democratic Committee Members
Rep. John B. Larson, Ranking Member (CT) Phone: 202-225-2265
Rep. Juanita Millender-McDonald (CA) Phone: 202-225-7924
Rep. Robert Brady (PA) Phone: 202-225-4731
"It is especially important to get support from members of the Senate Rules and Administration Committee, especially Republicans, since that committee would handle the bill."
Ask the people below to introduce a Senate version of The Voter Confidence Act, HR 2339.
Senate Rules and Administration Committee
Republican Committee Members
Trent Lott, Chairman (MS) Phone: 202-224-6253
Ted Stevens (AK) Phone: 202-224-3004
Mitch McConnell (KY) Phone: 202-224-2541
Thad Cochran (MS) Phone: 202-224-5054
Don Nickles (OK) Phone: 202-224-5754
Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX) Phone: 202-224-5922
Bill Frist (TN) Phone: 202-224-3344
Gordon Smith (OR) Phone: 202-224-3753
C. Saxby Chambliss (GA) Phone: 202-224-3521
Democratic Committee Members
Chris Dodd, Ranking Member (CT) Phone: 202-224-2823
Robert C. Byrd (WV) Phone: 202-224-3954
Daniel K. Inouye (HI) Phone: 202-224-3934
Dianne Feinstein (CA) Phone: 202-224-3841
Charles E. Schumer (NY) Phone: 202-224-6542
Tom Daschle (SD) Phone: 202-224-2321
Mark Dayton (MN) Phone: 202-224-3244
Richard J. Durbin (IL) Phone: 202-224-2152
If you need more information on the Voter Confidence Act, HR 2239, visit: