Inspired (yet again) by Dean's resplendent speech yesterday in SC: and the DU thread: by Dems Will Win's excellent post today: by Code_Name_D's eloquent vision: by the Gore endorsement, schooled in the art and practice by w13rd and several others, and mindful of the fact that Dean himself favors and promotes unity over divisiveness, I am going to try to swear off candidate bashing.
However, it does depend on how one defines "bashing." For most here at DU it seems to include ANY criticism. I remember when come of one candidates own words were posted (and not out of context), without muich if any editorial commentary, and his supporters went ballistic and definitely considered it somehow "unfair." It wasn't.
Too, I will continue to point out mischaracterizations and outright lies about my candidate (or any candidate -- I find NO place for that at DU or in our political life at all) -- but hopefully with less anger and bitterness of my own.
So. That's that. Let's kick it up a notch and take some steps toward community.