The Houston Press presented the term in their recent "Turkeys of the Year" article. The South African "homelands" were called "Bantustans"--this new word is derived more directly from Central Asia.
Whatever the etymology, redistricting is the key!
"Texas has had six flags flying over it, as every amusement-park attendee knows. The flags include those of France, Spain, the Confederate States of America and our very own Republic of Texas.
"Now it flies under a seventh. As 2003 has proved, we are now living in a country named -- like Afghanistan or Uzbekistan -- after the most influential part of the population. Like Turkmenistan, this new country is ruled by a powerful warlord. (The CIA World Factbook says Turkmenistan's president 'retains absolute control over the country and opposition is not tolerated.')
"Welcome, then, to DeLayistan -- where absolute control is retained and opposition is not tolerated."