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Kerry Touts Technology at Stanford

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kerryistheanswer Donating Member (249 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-09-03 12:50 AM
Original message
Kerry Touts Technology at Stanford
Edited on Tue Dec-09-03 11:22 AM by Skinner
In Silicon Valley, Kerry Touts Technology

December 08, 2003

Associated Press

by Beth Fouhy
Stanford, CA -

Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry is proposing a broad economic recovery program that ties job creation to technological innovation, investment and training as he campaigns in a Silicon Valley still reeling from the technology bust.

"Today, an agenda for high-tech is an agenda for our economic future," the Massachusetts senator said in a speech to be delivered Monday at Stanford University. "And the promise of the Information Age was more than a bubble — it was a breakthrough from which we will never turn back."

Kerry's praise for Silicon Valley's fabled garage-based startup companies and the soaring possibilities of the Internet carried an ironic note: Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean catapulted to the top of the field through his campaign's innovative use of the Internet in fund-raising and organization.

Kerry had planned to win the Jan. 27 primary in New Hampshire, then ride to victory in other states. But with Dean dominating polls in that state, Kerry's aides released a memo over the weekend that said the senator now is "competing for the top three spots in Iowa and top two in New Hampshire."

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Maple Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-09-03 12:52 AM
Response to Original message
1. Yes!
Yes! Yes! to all of those!
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La_Serpiente Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-09-03 12:55 AM
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2. This is exactly what I was waiting for
Hopefully, Kerry met up with Prof. Lessig at Stanford. The prof has some very good ideas about technological freedom reform. Him or any other Democratic candidate should hook up with him and enact credible anti-spam legislation, legislation that keeps the internet free from government control (The UN is trying to undo this) and start a fund to put internet and comptuer acess in every classroom in America.
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Moderator DU Moderator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-09-03 07:41 AM
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3. kerryistheanswer
Per DU copyright rules
please post only 4
paragraphs from the
news source and please
provide a link to
the article.

Thank you.

DU Moderator
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