Dean needs to challenge Bush in the Southwest and surrounding states. As you said, Arizona and Nevada, Colorado. Colorado, especially, is well within Dem range.
I suggest Indiana. That state has the highest bankruptcy of any state, I believe, and has been hit HARD by job lossses.
Also, Dean should play to middle class white guys, and area where Republicans always defeat the Dems. By doing so, he'll automatically gain traction in the South. Sexist? Yeah, a little, but only for pragmatism's sake. Am I casting southern stereotypes?
Actually no - I'm not. I taking pre-existing stereotypes and working them for the sake of winning an election. So sue me.
How does Dean play to white guys? He can subtly play up his Hockey Dad image. White Guys love their candidates to be macho. Hockey goes beyond macho and tickles the crossing edge of extreme sports and institutionalized street fighting, set against the insanity of leather-faced, toothless white guys with razorblade shoes and big sticks, advertising Canadian beer! How white middle class can you get? Also, Dean can shunt images of the "tree hugging enviromentalists" when he drops his kids off at the rink in his SUV. And OH! Families love to see Candidates with their kids, right?
I'm joking here, but I'm also serious. Dems have some image issues with white males, but Dean has the potential to get past that, and more power to him. We lost white males to Reagan, we should fight to get them back.
Of course, Dean needs a running mate that supports all of the above, but comes from somewhere south. South. Deep South, SouthWest... whatever.
I wish we had a good Texan to call on, Texas can run South AND SouthWest. It will be a tough call for dean, or any candidate.
Ok, here's more - Dean should assemble an "Ideal Cabinet" before the General Election, and use talent from the Dem Candidate Pool. Gep as Secretary of Labor, Edwards as AG, Clark as Sec of State, Kerry as Sec of Defense, Kucinich as Sec Interior, etc...this helps solidify the base. Then, Dean should pull from the Mod Republican pool of Senators to fill out his cabinet, just for crossover appeal.
Remember - this is an "Ideal" cabinet. Nothing is set in stone, it's all image.
Dean should continue the mantra that it's tiome to move beyond voting on the basis of guns, God, gays, and and race. It's a good message.
Then, in his national commercials, Dean should show fuzzy images of folks at church picnics, guys in hunting gear, Hispanic heritage parades, and families.
I KNOW that i will get flamed for this, If anyone has read this far, but this is a civil cold war situation, and we have to use every tool available to sell this guy.
Dean's campaign has an ENOURMOUS juggling act ahead. But most of the time, Dean the man just has to stand their and not look stupid or weak or embarassed. People like self the courage of assuredness, even if they might disagree with your position.
Finally, Dean has to keep reminding us that this election is about us.
The only way for Dean to beat Bush, is if enough of US get our shit together and take our country back.
This is our responsibility, not Dean's. Dean is the doctor, looking at the angry citizens of this country, and saying physicians, heal thyselves.