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William Kristol: How Dean Could Win . . .

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dkf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-09-03 02:24 AM
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William Kristol: How Dean Could Win . . .

But is Dean a credible alternative? Was Kansas State? Dean has run a terrific primary campaign, the most impressive since Carter in 1976. It's true that, unlike Carter (and Clinton), Dean is a Northeastern liberal. But he's no Dukakis. Does anyone expect Dean to be a patsy for a Bush assault, as the Massachusetts governor was?

And how liberal is Dean anyway? He governed as a centrist in Vermont, and will certainly pivot to the center the moment he has the nomination. And one underestimates, at this point when we are all caught up in the primary season, how much of an opportunity the party's nominee has to define or redefine himself once he gets the nomination.

Thus, on domestic policy, Dean will characterize Bush as the deficit-expanding, Social Security-threatening, Constitution-amending (on marriage) radical, while positioning himself as a hard-headed, budget-balancing, federalism-respecting compassionate moderate. And on foreign and defense policy, look for Dean to say that he was and remains anti-Iraq war (as, he will point out, were lots of traditional centrist foreign policy types). But Dean will emphasize that he has never ruled out the use of force (including unilaterally). Indeed, he will say, he believes in military strength so strongly that he thinks we should increase the size of the Army by a division or two. It's Bush, Dean will point out, who's trying to deal with the new, post-Sept. 11 world with a pre-Sept. 11 military.

But what about Sept. 11? Surely Bush's response to the attacks, and his overall leadership in the war on terrorism, remain compelling reasons to keep him in office. They do for me. But while Bush is committed to victory in that war, his secretary of state seems committed to diplomatic compromise, and his secretary of defense to an odd kind of muscle-flexing-disengagement. And when Bush's chief of staff, Andrew H. Card Jr., said on Sunday with regard to Iraq, "We're going to get out of there as quickly as we can, but not before we finish the mission at hand," one wonders: Wouldn't Howard Dean agree with that formulation? Indeed, doesn't the first half of that sentence suggest that even the most senior of Bush's subordinates haven't really internalized the president's view of the fundamental character of this war? If they haven't, will the American people grasp the need for Bush's continued leadership on Nov. 2? If not, prepare for President Dean.


Ha ha. Kristol frames the debate for Dean. Good job Bill Kristol!
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Melodybe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-09-03 02:42 AM
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1. Yay! Keep talkin' Kristol
While I am always going to be a bit suspicious when some one like Kristol makes comments like this, I remind myself that I just saw Bill O'Reilly repeat in the most spastic, freak way that "Dean can not beat President *Bush" about three times. It was actually pretty funny because it looked like he was going to his happy place when he said it. The repubs just got a huge kick in the balls today. Something that they did not expect happened, Gore surprised them and they are pissed. Bill O'Reilly looked ridiculous and that always makes me happy. Kristol is saying Dean can win now, I swear I saw him on TV earlier today saying that Dean had no chance. I wonder if they actually think that Dean will loose to *bush? Honestly, people are so desperate now that anyone running as a Dem could beat the bastard. I guess they think that someone other than their idiot sheeple actually care about what they have to say.

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slinkerwink Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-09-03 02:47 AM
Response to Reply #1
4. hahaha, the repubs sure got a huge kick in the balls today!
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rudeboy666 Donating Member (959 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-09-03 02:44 AM
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2. Why Howard Dean might be the next Bill Clinton
.....similar article from Reason.
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JaySherman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-09-03 02:45 AM
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3. THAT, my friends, is the kiss of death,
Edited on Tue Dec-09-03 02:47 AM by JaySherman
not Al Gore's endorsement. If I were Dean or any other Dem candidate the last thing I'd want is any neocon claiming to back me. They're up to something. Framing the debate again.

On edit: How's about this line of b.s.?
"Surely Bush's response to the attacks, and his overall leadership in the war on terrorism, remain compelling reasons to keep him in office. They do for me. " :puke::puke::puke:
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NWHarkness Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-09-03 03:18 AM
Response to Reply #3
6. Where did Kristol say he "backed" Dean?
He merely said that he could imagine how he could win. That's not the same thing as backing him.
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wtmusic Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-09-03 02:53 AM
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5. Shrub's 'leadership in the war on terrorism?'
Edited on Tue Dec-09-03 02:56 AM by wtmusic
Kristol is doing his 'Tom Friedman' impersonation.
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