in 1992. Paul Tsongas won. Clinton was the long shot DC outsider who had entered the race LATE. He came in second in NH and ended up being one of the best Presidents we've ever had...for 2 terms! :)
Take NOTE...CLARK isn't even included in the below polls and look at him...second in NH. The article was written in August, 2003.
New Hampshire Primary: 1/27/2004, 22 delegates
Past performance:
2/28/1984: Hart 37.3%, Mondale 27.9%, Glenn 12.0%, Jackson 5.3%, McGovern 5.2%, Reagan 5.0%, Hollings 3.5%, Cranston 2.1%, Askew 1.0%
2/16/1988: Dukakis 36.4%, Gephardt 20.3%, Simon 17.4%, Jackson 8.0%, Gore 6.9%, Babbitt 4.7%, Hart 4.0%
2/18/1992: Tsongas 33.2%, Clinton 24.8%, Kerrey 11.1%, Harkin 10.2%, Brown 8.0%
Latest polls:
Boston Herald: Dean 28%, Kerry 25%, Lieberman 11%, Gephardt 9%, Edwards 1%
Franklin Pierce College: Dean 22%, Kerry 21%, Gephardt 6%, Lieberman 6%, Edwards 2%
2004 results based on history:
Dean (regional appeal, insurgency), Kerry (regional appeal), Gephardt (past performance)
New Hampshire is famous for kicking conventional wisdom in the teeth. With the primaries open to independents, and independents outnumbering each party, the outcome depends on how many independents get involved. Although regional candidates do well, insurgents become favorites here on the strength of independents, who bear no allegiance to party stalwarts. Without a competitive GOP primary, look for independents to swarm the Democratic side. Between regional appeal, strong organization, and his outsider status,
this primary should be Dean's to lose and will be a key measure of his strength. Lieberman is sitting this one out, so the battle for third is between Gephardt and Edwards. Gephardt's strong showing in 1988 was presumably not an accident, and labor backing will give him some organization. Edwards will use his money for TV ads, but that won't cut it here. New Hampshire is retail politics, and there is no substitute for having a candidate on the ground meeting voters.
Tune in for next week's installment in the series: Delaware, Missouri, South Carolina