Remember when everybody thought Bush was no different than Gore?
Remember when everybody thought Bush would lead from the center, and be tempered by his "smart, experienced" staff? And best of all, he wasn't Gore? Look where such shallow, uninquisitive thinking got us.
Bush was the ultimate Trojan Horse, built and wheeled to the gates of power by Rove and Co, who are STILL managing this whole mess. Why on earth don't you think Clark could be, too? Because he's handsome, articulate and smart? So the eff what! Bush was supposedly amiable, a likable Joe, despite the fact that he is a multimillionaire from one of the worlds most powerful families, America bought that crapola simply because the Yale-boy put on a flannel shirt and cowboy boots.
What is it about Clark that has you convinced he is NOT a republican? After all, he supports a flag burning amendement, and thinks Bush deserves a pass on the 9/11 investigation...and there is that great speach wherein he all but deifies the Warmongers in the Bush admin.
I just have a very bad feeling about this.