So all the Am Hate Radio Rush clones and Rush, adn the Right have been and are passing this theory that the Clinton's are trying to sabatoge the Democratic party so Hillary can become President in 2008.
This has been in the tank for a long time.
We all know how they hate Clinton and Gore, etc.... We all know how they would love to see a real split in teh democratic party since at this point, they are relativly weak on the federal level.
Could what is happening now be a calculated ruse by the democratic party to give the bastards what they (think?) want on a superficial level?
I don't think this is such a crazy idea. We all know that Rove and his SpinMonkeys have been frothing at their mouths for something like this. We all know that Rovian politics are ruthless and very oppurtunistic, we all know that the Right-Wing media acts in this same manner. The more they advertise this (at the moment) precived split (they really will not be talking about issues mind you, just whom has the bigger balls if you know what I mean).
The national democratic leadership is not blind, I could see this as a ploy, bait if you will.