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That G... D..... Bush

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ThomWV Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-09-03 04:44 PM
Original message
That G... D..... Bush
Let me see if I got this right. Bush spouts out with a stern warning to China and Tiwan that the USA will strongly oppose any change in their relationship from that status quo. Did he say this to cause the communist chineese to step back from their agressive policys towards the island/nation. Hell no he didn't. He did it to warn the Tiwanese people that to declair their independance as a free democratic society would not be supported by the United States. That is what this god damned excuse for a President did. And why would he do that you might ask? Its simple, its because the chicken shit will not or can not stand up to the North Koreans and negotiate a reasonable solution to their delima (buy the dam bombs from them and then give them food and oil, that's all they want) and so he feels that by apeasing the Chineese they will work in our behalf.

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Moderator DU Moderator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-09-03 04:46 PM
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1. Locking.
Please be aware that General Discussion rules prohibit profanity in the first post of a thread.

I'm going to lock this now.

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