Something Fun: Don't forget to Turn George Off!
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Tue Dec-09-03 08:55 PM
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Something Fun: Don't forget to Turn George Off! |
Let him pay millions for TV/Radio that YOU turn Off!
What Fun!
And, Tell your friends!
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Tue Dec-09-03 09:10 PM
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1. I've been doing that since he stole the election |
There is no way I can look at his ugly face and hear that evil voice. Anything that pertains to chimpy is immediately turned off.
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Tue Dec-09-03 09:19 PM
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2. I have been doing that since day one |
and have been doing it ever since. I explain to everyone that seeing evil makes me physically ill so I have been turning him off since 1999. Haven't watched one speech or anything else that has come out of his evil mouth.Drives my husband crazy switching channels all the time, but what has to be done, has to be done.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:13 AM
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