First the good. I was very, very impressed with the way Dennis Kucinich stood up to Koppel. He was a hundred percent right. Koppel threw him a softball to bash Dean or Gore and instead he pulled the cover back to reveal what a sham the debate was until that point. I was likewise impressed with Kerry's response to the loaded Dean question. I was, obviously, happy with the endorsement but I was starting to get nauseated at all the Dean questions. It was a horrible display. Our boys did well. Clark also did great and Gep looked good too. I know I'm biased but, especially given Dean's past debate performances I was jumping up and down and pumping my fist at the display he put on at the end of that debate. Very powerful stuff IMHO.
Now the bad. While Holy Joe had a couple of moments where he sounded like a dem I was absolutely sickened by some of the stuff he rolled out there. He brought out the fucking axis of evil line? That was a low point of this admin and he wants to use it? Then he starts in about killing every single terrorist dead. I thought it was Ariel Sharon up there. The man is a disgrace and he obviously has an agenda. He needs to back out. Now. Also, I can't believe these idiots are still trying to embarrass Dean with the flag thing. Did you see that maroon afterwards?
I heard a few callers after the debate including one that called them all losers and a couple that said they had no plans and made no sense. I can't believe I live on the same planet as these people.