Contrary to popular belief Dean is doing quite well in the southern USA among Democratic voters. He trails in most states, but barely. I think I know a way Dean can win the south:
1) Go after the African American vote. He has already had some success. I expect Jesse Jackson to endorse him soon. Others possibly. I think Dean can be the candidate for African Americans.
2) and most importantly. Release a "short list" for VP candidates. Watch all the southern Democrats change their tune when they learn they are on this list.
Short list for Dean's VP selection (in no specific order):
1) General Wesley Clark, Arkansas.
2) Senator Mary Landrieu, Louisiana.
3) Senator Bob Graham, Florida.
4) Governor Roy Barnes, Georgia.
5) Senator John Edwards, North Carolina.
I think any of these five would want to be the VP nominee. Most will probably come out and support Dean outright hoping to get into better position. Note all the states are southern and have been traditionally winnable southern states. Dean can rightly claim that he isn't giving up on the south. But trying to build a new coalition.
I think it would work.