Everybody has been saying that the Gore nod to Dean is bossism. I watched Gore speak and I never got the impression that he was telling the other candidates to give up their campaigns and get behind Dean. He simply said that while these people, all of which should be fine candidates, should debate the issues but not attack each other. If we continue to, we will not be able to stand toe to toe with Bush. Gore has been coming out and speaking his mind much more clearly lately, especially with MoveOn.org. The speeches he has given have been very much in the same vein as Deans speeches.
As for Lieberman, it seems that while Lieberman had supposedly decided not to run for president in 2004 if Gore did, however Lieberman had undermined Gore in 2002 by criticising the grassroots movement that he wanted to establish. He had undermined Gore during the Florida recount. I don't think that Gore owed Lieberman anything. If Gore had called Lieberman to give him a heads up, would it really make a difference.
Furthermore, I am supporting Dean, but I will gladly support, Wes Clark, John Kerry, John Edwards, Dennis Kucinich, etc.
Lieberman, I do have some reservations about but I will support him too.
I am for Howard Dean because we have been doing thing the DLC's way. They have dropped the ball. They have rolled over for Bush repeatedly since 2000. Dean will not roll over for Bush. Niether will Clark (who is my second choice among the six practical candidates).