On Gore"CLARK: Well, Vice President Gore, back in the 2000 campaign, said elections were about the people, not the powerful. And I think we need to let the primary process play out. I think especially voters in New Hampshire don't want to see elections decided by endorsements. They want their chance. People here and in South Carolina, Oklahoma, Arizona, they're relishing the opportunity to help the nation decide who the candidates will be and shape the election.
They respect Al Gore. They, many of them like him, they voted for him. But I think their response in general has been, please, you know, don't try to cut this off, let it play out, we want to hear from people, we want a chance to have our voices heard. It's about democracy. "
on Dean's VP hoaxYou ever talk to Howard Dean about being his running mate?
CLARK: No, he talked to me about it before I ran. And I told him, I said, Howard, look, this is not, you know, I'm not interested in talking about that. I'm not even thinking about that. For me, there's only one question in my mind -- and this was in early September of this year -- I said am I going to run to the be president of the United States or am I going to stay in private business?
on HillaryHEMMER: General, back to you, then. You said this week, again, you said it yesterday, you would consider Hillary Clinton to run on the same ticket as you. She has said repeatedly again this past Sunday that she has no interest in not completing her term as New York's senator.
If that's the case, why suggest that publicly?
CLARK: Well, I didn't suggest that. Somebody asked me in a question. I've suggested nobody publicly. But I do respond to people. Bill, the Democratic Party has all kinds of talent. We've got so many people there. This party is so ready to help America move ahead again. And I'd like to be able to consider all of the talent in the Democratic Party. I'd like to bring the very best people in America, representing America from all backgrounds, all walks of life, to help shape our vision for the future. And Hillary Clinton is certainly one of those that anyone would consider. She's incredibly talented. She's a real leader. She's very dedicated to public service. I think she's terrific.