The homosexuals printed the same thing in their rag publication, which they call "Queer Notes". They scornfully called me, "Helms redux." (I don't know what I did to make these homosexuals mad at me this time, but I must be doing something right.)
Of course, they meant the comparison to Helms to be taken as an insult, but I wear it as a badge of honor. For thirty years Jesse Helms was the number one flag carrier for the conservative movement in Washington, and with him gone, someone needs to step in and fill that void.
I'm honored to be accused of picking up where Senator Helms left off.
If my name is familiar, it may be because you recently saw me on The Fox News Channel.
Fox News called me a "Rising Star" and "the next J.C. Watts" and said that I am "the new face of the Republican Party." The Wall Street Journal called me "the next black Republican Congressman" and United Press International called me "the early favorite to replace Congressman Richard Burr". The Davie County Enterprise-Record called me
"a Rush Limbaugh candidate". Even if you haven't heard of me yet, you know many conservatives who have. At one time or another
I have been endorsed by Jesse Helms, Alan Keyes, Bob Barr, Lauch Faircloth, Elizabeth Dole, Richard Burr, Dick Armey, Gary Bauer, the NRA, Right-to-Life, Bill Bennett, Pat Buchanan, Pete du Pont, Tom Tancredo, and Jeb Bush. President Bush honored me with an appointment in his administration and hired me to work on his campaign. That should give you a pretty good idea of where I stand.
Just a reminder that while the left eats itself from the inside out and argues about Ted Koppel's hair and slings mud at Joe Lieberman, here's what the Republicans are doing. Until we finally unite for the common cause of ridding the world of George W. Bush and his merry band of corporate criminals, the Republicans will continue to use the tactics of division and hate to marginalize us. Be very afraid.