Dear Editor:
With deaths and casualties mounting daily in Iraq and what is appearing to be a long hard slough of a quagmire - the Bush administration had reached out it's hand to the world and slapped it in the face.
Barring countries (who did not support the Iraq Invasion) from submitting bids for rebuilding contracts is not the way to build international support. With one lip Bush is calling for international support - with the other lip he is alienating the world.
That we need international support in terms of money, troops and resources is obvious - yet Bush continues with the "My way or the Highway" policies. That we need international support to fight a war on terror is also obvious - yet Bush continues with the "..for us or against us.." policies.
It's becoming more apparent every day that any significant United Nation or world support won't be forthcoming as long as Bush remains in office. Many will say "...the hell with the world we will go it alone..." - however when the next terrorist attack occurs, or when Bush decides to invade another country the world is more likely to say "..to hell with America, let them go it alone..." .