Edited on Wed Dec-10-03 05:43 PM by Walt Starr
This is a post about the Walt Starr method of positive candidate choosing. It's a damn difficult process and may drive you crazy for a while, but the benefits will be long lasting both to your mental health and to your feelings about the candidates.
Step one is to do what the title of this thread instructs you to do. Yes, this seems to be the most difficult part of the process, but it's an absolute must in order to proceed. My hardest time in doing this was to dismiss my negative feelings about Lieberman. I can tell anybody with a straight face that I would absolutely 100% support Lieberman should he get the nod from the party. It's the truth and you will understand why in step three.
Step two is to make each and every candidate your second choice in your mind. This is much easier. For me, this was pretty much accomplished once I dumped the negatives. Let's face it, there is no candidate out there who won't have negatives, and the negatives will be made all that more urgent by the other candidates, not to mention the Repukes. Basically, you must develop a sense of apathy towards the entire field. It helps in this stage to start looking at the ultimate goal here, getting rid of the unelected fraudulent moron currently occupying the white house via illegal means used by his supporters to steal an election in Florida. If you forget about the candidates and remember that point, making all of the candidates your second choice is easy because they are second only to getting Bush out of our white House.
Step three, concentrate only on the positives from each candidate. This was the most difficult stage for me, even moreso than stage one. I would flip through number one candidates like flipping through cards in the deck. At one stage four within a couple of hours of each other. This is the "decidedly undecided" stage of this game, but by concentrating on the positives, I found myself liking Lieberman and at several points, having him as my number one pick!
Step four, well at some point you'll have to make up your mind. I think I've made up my mind on Dean, but you know what? I probably could still be convinced to go for another candidate because we have nine excellent candidates and I honestly believe any of the nine are electable and any of the nine would be good for America.
Good luck, and think positive!