All this talk about anger is soooo tiresome, no? But here's some more...
I don't know if this "anger" biz is a key component of people who tout Dean's "unelectability" here at DU, but it seems to be the case among the RW punditocracy.
Heard some of Hannity's show today. Blech. Talking about how angry Dean seems and how it's not "presidential." Boldly predicting that Dean would emphasize his moderate side if he got the nom.
Isn't this what happens in every primary, Dem or GOP? Go for base in primary, then swing vote in the general? Red meat vs roses, right?
People don't get that there's two audiences, the narrow Dem activists of the present and the broaded population come November?
If he get's nom, Dean's may actually be fortunate. Lot's of folks have to moderate and tweak positions from the primary, bringing up the dreaded "flip-flop" and "wishy-washy" labels. Dean may simply have to lower his voice, not change an iota of his message.
At any rate, good to see blood of other candidates being roiled cuz it can only serve to activate large portion of base, including newcomers!
BTW. Undecided. Short list though.