Edited on Wed Dec-10-03 07:06 PM by The Lone Liberal
If you are not now a reader of the American Prospect then you need to get your mitts on the November issue. It is chock full of great stuff; starting with a wonderful interview of Bill Clinton. Clinton must be far and away the best political mind in the Democratic Party. In the interview he sets out the strategy for taking the fight to the right and beating them, which he says is the “name of the game.”
There is also an article by another good thinker from the left, Gary Hart. Hart lays out how Bush is standing 200 plus years of American history and 2000 years of republican tradition on its head. In his argument for using the National Guard for homeland security Hart goes back to the founding fathers and the republican tradition of watchfulness when it comes to a standing army.
All of that should be enough, but, it was the very last page and the very last article that I found a gem that was worth alerting and encouraging every free-thinking liberal to pick up this wonderful periodical.
The Last Word, which is usually written by Robert Reich was written this issue by Charles A Pierce. Pierce is a staff writer for the Boston Globe Magazine an author of Sports Guy.
The title of Pierce’s article is “A Fan Gloats.”
The main point of his article is Russ Limbaugh and how the sports writers of America laughed him out of a job as a sports color commentator.
Here is the gem;
“Sportswriters endure lots of jokes about working in the “toy department,” but let it be said that they laughed Limbaugh out of their universe in less time than it took his maid to score down at the Gas-n-Sip. The elite political media, though , are still impressed by the likes of him. And don’t you doubt that after he waltzes out of Rehab Mansion, he’ll be given license to pick right back up where he left off. Political journalism in is this country is a whorehouse with 500 piano players.”
Tell me it aint so Joe?