Edited on Wed Dec-10-03 08:09 PM by LoZoccolo
Free Republic was up years before DU, for one. But I think they really won't have as much of a web presence as much as, say, email lists.
Here's why: a lot of right-wing propaganda is really weird, especially far right-wing. I'm talking about the paranoid conspiracy theory type of stuff, and the racist stuff, the kind of stuff that keeps the working class voting for politicians that implement policies that ultimately hurt them. I think this stuff influences people more that we'd be able to find out because people believe it enough to act on what they read in it, but not enough for them to face embarassment by admitting that they do. So a lot of this stuff remains under the radar. As such, they wouldn't want to put it anywhere where a broad swath of people would be likely to see it and get freaked out that a segment of the right wing believes it.
However, twice already this girl I used to work with will sent me some right-wing pass-around email (and twice I've seen at least part of it debunked on snopes.com), maybe thinking I'd agree with it.
I guess the short of it is that because some of the reasons that people support right-wing policies are publicly embarassing, they'd want to use the more private side of the internet to distribute their propaganda.