I, Goobergunch, will not impugn the motives of any candidate...
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Wed Dec-10-03 08:11 PM
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I, Goobergunch, will not impugn the motives of any candidate... |
for the Democratic Presidential Nomination.
Who's with me?
Emboldened Chimp
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Wed Dec-10-03 08:14 PM
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I'm sick of it already. We have great candidates across the board (sans Lieberman, of course). Why attack at each other when we should be going after *?
Emboldened Chimp
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Wed Dec-10-03 08:31 PM
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2. Guess I'm the only one... |
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Wed Dec-10-03 08:45 PM
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why not will not impugn a Democrat running for pres?
just curious, dp
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Wed Dec-10-03 08:46 PM
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4. I am. I stay out of the candidate threads, except for the debate ones. |
Those candidate threads are not a nice place to be at times, so I stay out of them.
But I will not impugn the motives of any candidate for the Democratic Presidential Nomination. (even Lieberman)
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Wed Dec-10-03 11:24 PM
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5. Positivity, people. Positivity |
I have vowed not to thrash any candidate.
I'm sure all of you know I'm a Clarkie, but I'll bust my ass to get any candidate elected over Shrubbie.
And that's all I gotta say. If you want to slash and burn any Dem candidate, then you deserve four more years of 'Shit for Brains' Bush.
And that's all I gotta say about that.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:54 AM
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