(Repeating myself), it might have been a thought to hold the convention in a Southwestern site, like Phoenix or San Antonio, to acknowledge the growth of Hispanic and Black voters. Picking Texas would be an in-your-face to Shrub, and Ron KIRK was a great candidate for senator who should have won. Or, I would be open to Seattle. Otoh, why not discomfit the media ******.
http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2003/12/11/convention_space_seen_lacking_for_journalists/Convention space seen lacking for journalists
Fleet walk-through gives way to worry
By Mark Jurkowitz, Globe Staff, 12/11/2003
A week after members of the national news media took a walk-through of the FleetCenter, representatives of a number of news outlets are openly worried about the apparent shortage of work space for the estimated 15,000 journalists who will descend on Boston for next year's Democratic National Convention.
"It's a huge problem," said Jim Drinkard, a political reporter for USA Today and a member of the Standing Committee of Correspondents in Washington, D.C., which helps handle press arrangements for the convention. "I've got to say that the words on the lips of everybody leaving
was `how can they choose a site like this without thinking about this beforehand?' There's no clear place that meets all the requirements we have." ....