better Business Plan than the current Misadministration under Bush.
First it was monthly, then weekly, then every other day, now, it seems daily. The White House is falling apart with Pratfalls: the latest is the big boo boo of pissing off our Allies even more than we had to.
On one day we deny them contracts because of their refusal to help us with killing terrorists in Iraq. Of course the French, Germans, and pesky Ruskies go bananas citing International agreements prohibiting such moves, and, worse, we signed the damn thing; making us look like raw rookies.
If that was not bad enough, then W calls them the next day to ask them to forgive past debts the Iraqis owe them thru loans and shit.
I have no idea of the amounts involved, But According to the News, the Europeans are going off the wall.
This Bush is a Chevy Chase, Costello, Jerry Lewis, and Pissant all combined into one.....and unlike a movie, this Bush is in the real White House.
Guys, we gatta help one of those Dem Candidates replace Bush. Its gone that BAD. At this point, its ABB. We just gatta help the nominee.
They all have better Biz Plans than what we seeing now. and to confirm, look at what Pub Arnie doing in California? Its laughable, but thats another story.