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one third to vote demo, one third to abstain- new data in....

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junker Donating Member (403 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 03:04 PM
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one third to vote demo, one third to abstain- new data in....
I am friends with the guys who run They run these web scrubbing robots that bring back data from which conclusions are drawn for their clients. I was there when some runs were made for a biz with some political interest....anyway the HPH guys have a model which suggests that at this moment, the "EXPRESSION" of the current 'deep, religious, committed, conservative core' (their description of who they are stealh polling) feelings is as follows....

one third are likely to vote democrat
one third are likey to abstain (or seek ultra conservative third party option)
one third not (yet) dis-illusioned with bushies

so, this is just the expression...and as the HPH guys were at pains to point out...this is merely an anticipatory trend, with results that reflect at most only 23% of the cohort being stealth polled, and that they don't know how this trend will develop, nor mature, nor if it will hold....however, they have lots and lots of data quotes like the one below that supports their position that right now at least 23 per cent of committed conservatives are so disappointed/disgusted/revulsed by bushies that they will vote demo.

In fact, HPH head guy, O. Moon says that they have gotten several thousand discrete captures of quotes where conservatives both identify themselves as such and say that for the FIRST time ever they will vote good news...

damn...can't get the disk to open so will have to email for some of the quotes he gave me....

anyway, supposition is that at least two thirds of 23per cent of bushies core will desert him as of this still good news.

And the economy will tank and give up a few more ex-repubs for the counting...

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david_vincent Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 03:14 PM
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1. Thanks junker
Interesting news...
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LEW Donating Member (809 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 03:18 PM
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2. I keep track of things on Half Past Human also
It's very interesting, they have several bot run reports.

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