Edited on Thu Dec-11-03 03:12 PM by killbotfactory
I support Dean because I believe he is the best candidate we have and will defeat Bush. I like him because his positions very close to my own. I like him because he's not an idealogue and will come to positions based on his own analysis and their own merit, and if that goes against the grain of conventional wisdom, or the majority of his own party, he'll defend his stance and won't pander. I like that he is unscripted, and speaks from his heart. I like that he was a leader during this horrible Iraq war, when so many other people were falling in line behind Bush out of fear, or ignorance, or political expedience. I like his focus on empowering people to take back their country.
That's why I support Dean.
I don't support him as some childish backlash against Kerry's vote on the IWR. I assume that many supporters are the same as I. That's why when Kerry, or some of his supporters, attack Dean it does not help him.
Kerry was never entitled to my vote. If Kerry didn't vote for the IWR, I would still back Dean. If Kerry was vocally opposed to the war, as Dean was, when it mattered, I would still be for Dean.
I don't support Kerry because I don't think he's the best candidate we have. I don't like the way he's run his campaign. I don't like the arrogance that eminated from his campaign when Dean was nipping at his heals. I don't like the sense of entitlement I get from him or his supporters because he had a good resume in Congress for so many years. I don't like his overwelmingly negative obsession with Dean, especially when I feel his arguements insult my intelligence. I just don't like him as a candidate.
Kerry and his supporters can waste all the time they want, scrounging for the perfect Dean quote to spin, screaming "BIDEN LUGAR WAS NO DIFFERENT" at the top of your lungs, or calling Dean a flip-flopper, but it won't help Kerry one goddamn bit.
If Dean manages to lose my support (not goddamn likely), I wouldn't start supporting Kerry. He's not my second choice.
I am not some crazy leftist liberal looking for a savior to martyr themselves before Bush. I think for myself, and am not too persuaded by the conventional wisdom spouted by pundits (and they have a horrible track record), or kneejerk emotional reactions. I am just looking for a good candidate I can support in good concience, who will beat Bush, and I think Dean is the man.