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Yo, any So. Cal. DUers want to sign a Recall Arnold petition?

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joefree1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 04:25 PM
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Yo, any So. Cal. DUers want to sign a Recall Arnold petition?
Come on down to this Activist thread:

Here's the online petition:

Here's what Joe Conason said about a Arnold recall:

"If politics is warfare by other means, then the California Democrats will now be tempted to respond in kind to the stomping they suffered yesterday. This has nothing to do with whether Gray Davis deserved his ignominious fate, and everything to do with whether Republican aggression is answered with timidity or strength."
Joe Conason's Journal Oct. 8, 2003

Merry Christmas Arnold!

"It's not over 'till Arnold gropes the fat lady" —Bill Press, on MSNBC
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