I was perusing GD as is often my afternoon ritual and was was just struck by some of the things I read. I thought my queries could be clarified by some of the posters here, new and old. First question, how is it so many of you can go from Dennis Kucinich to John Kerry? Seems a real stretch for me, but maybe someone could enlighten me, then perhaps somebody else can explain to me how you leave the most exciting grassroots democratic campaign in years (Howard Dean) and say you'll vote third party or not at all if he is the nominee? Please note that I did not include General Wesley Clark because this thread is actually not about flamebaiting, and I certainly don't perceive most Clark supporters as ABD people, atleast not yet.
If you started out with Lieberman, I can see transfering your support to Kerry or Gephardt or Edwards, I don't need that "splained" to me. I've decided it's pretty safe to consider myself ABL, but I'm not worried about any repercusions of that since Joe has about as much chance of getting the nom as I do of Hugh Hefner calling to ask me to pose for Playboy.
I have been behind my chosen candidate since early August and vowed to keep an open mind as the process went on thru the ensuing months, I am one of the lucky ones, my candidate represents my views and I have not had to question very many of his stands on the issues, and the questions I have had, have been answered to my satisfaction.
Before this turns into a Dean/Clark/Kerry free for all, let me say this, I admire the General's stance on the war and I could throw him my support if he is the last candidate standing, enough said.
There is a much posted link to the presidentselect.com sight and I have taken it three times in the last five or six months, do I put a great deal of stock in this survey, not really, but I think it is generally, not specifically a very good indicator where you stand with a candidate on the issues. It ranks the candidates from 1-10 (includes bush*) based on a series of very candid questions on the issues. I could not fathom taking my candidate #6 and replacing him as my #1 when there are five candidates that are more closely in line with my political beliefs.
Nobody owes me or anybody else an explanation of why they support their chosen candidate, but you owe it to yourself to study all the candidates and give each one your full attention because many of us may have to choose an alternative candidate eventually. I only mention this because I see alot of burning bridges going on in here lately.
For me, there are two very clear issues that drive my support, the war and the economy. I also factor in experience in the executive branch of governement and consise and well thought out solutions to this country's problems. I want a president that will surround himself with some of the finest military, financial and diplomacy experts in the world and not be driven by ego and secrecy.
All I ask is that everyone try to discuss this and all other topics with an open mind and stop all this backhanded sniping. I have found myself being turned off by some posters and subject lines because of their heavy handed approach, these are often left unopened by me, and I can only imagine all the great dialog and information they must bring to the table, but it's disregarded because of how it's presented. It really is a shame.