The new talking point is not that dissent is bad, but that it is "hate speech".
Now you know why the astroturfers are pushing this "hate" theme.
- Hollywood fund raiser called "Hate Bush" event
- Art piece labeled as "hate speech"
- Astroturf "Hate Bush" website by "Enmity House" attempted to be passed off as part of the anti Bush movement
- Astroturf posters on Yahoo are calling the left a "Hate movement".
Folks, I hate to say it, but I am right on 99% of all my calls. Clearly this is closely resembling Facism now. The Progressive, Human Interest side of politics is being smeared as "Leftist" and "Hate Oriented" - As if Hannity, Coulter and Limbaugh are some kind of Cherubs! And Novacula says Dean has Loose Lips!
This has truely reached an Orwellian level and Maybe this is good news for us. The Bushies think they can lie their way out of this, but I think our collective stomache can only stretch so far before we, as a nation, puke it all back in their faces.
In my opinion, The Reich wing is already starting to collapse under the strain of lost credibility.