Act One, Scene One:
(This scene takes place in an upscale non-denominational mortuary in Washington, D.C. The fudamentalist mourners wouldn't be caught dead in a synagogue and the country club republicans and Likudnicks weren't comfortable with the brass bands, electric guitars and shiney suited preachers in a Southern Baptist Church). Funeral arrangements were paid for by Richard Scaife.
William Kristol walks somberly to the podium, and gazes, bereft, at the closed casket of Mr. PNAC. Chocking back tears, he begins)
WK: We are gathered here today to pay tribute to Mr. PNAC, who we all knew and loved. Born of noble parentage, and reared proudly by the efforts of Richard Scaif, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Jerry Falwell, Rush Limbaugh, the entire staff at Fox News, and others too numerous to mention, PNAC's life was brutally and savagely brought to an untimely end this week.
During his life, Mr. PNAC bravely fought to regain control of this great country from the teeming masses of the ignorant who knew not the vision we hold of the rigtful place of America as ruler of the world. Through his leadership, we came close to ousting the tyrant from Arkansas who brought to and end the glorious years of Saint Reagan. Through his efforts and those of you in the audience, and the five brave members of the Supreme Court, PNAC's chosen one, Archduke Cheney ascended to the throne of America, and our conquest of the world began.
{at this point, Rush Limbaugh begins shrieking and screaming, begging for someone to stop the spiders from crawling over his face. He is led away by two attendants and the door slams behind him)
WK (continuing): Ahem. Our glorious conquest of Iraq has been maligned in the liberal press. The ignorant masses of this country have turned away from their duty to spill their blood and empty their pockets for their betters in the re-making of the world. And for this Poppy sent James Baker to assassinate our beloved PNAC.
(Ann Coulter begins screeching "Traitors, Traitors", falls to the floor writhing in agony).
The Opus Dei Choir led by Antonin Scalia sings a dirge, as the casket is wheeled to the waiting hearse by pallbearers Falwell, Jeb Bush, Rumsfeld, Roger Ailes, Paul Wolfowitz, and Richard Perle.
Heads turn as William Bennett scurries from the funeral procession muttering uncontrollably about a loose slot machine in Atlantic City.
(curtains close)