I hate to say it, but I understand ABC pulling embedded reporters from the camps of Kucinich, Mosely-Brawn and Sharpton. I’m not saying I disagree with the outrage.
What I heard was “when do you know it’s time to pull out? When do you concede?” There comes a point when you trail so far behind, you hurt those who would best serve your cause.
I love Kucinich, Sharpton is a hack but witty, and Mosely-Braun (how the hell do you spell her name) is well intentioned, but doesn’t plan to win in 2004. She has ambition though, and will serve us well down the line. Again, I think.
The debates, such as they are, are a joke. One and a half hours for 9 candidates? There is no time for anything but soundbytes.
This is a guess, but my guess is if any one of those 3 had said “I will stick it out to the Feb primaries and at that point will have to converse with my staff about the future.” If any one of those candidates had said anything like that, I think they would still have embedded reporters with them. What they said instead was “I’m going to win and won’t consider any other possibility.” They didn’t address political reality, they didn’t present a game plan. I wish Kucinich had.
My thoughts, anyway.
There is an obvious effort in this nation to narrow the field. I don't think it's necessarily right, but I do think we should recognize that effort and adapt to meet it.