Go here:
http://www.thedesertsun.com/news/stories2003/national/20031210012531.shtmlThese quotes line the article:
"The majority of Republicans, at the urging of the president and GOP congressional leaders, voted for the $7 trillion prescription drug entitlement to become the nation’s new welfare-state party, depriving the Democrat Party of its sole claim as champion of big government."
Donald Devine
Vice chair, American Conservative Union
"By any principled, conservative standard, Bush has been a disaster in every arena -- domestically, internationally, fiscally, socially."
Jim Urling
Cincinnati lawyer, small government activist
The Medicare law "will be very troubling to the Republican base. Our voters sent us here to be different. I assume their enthusiasm would wane significantly if we have become what we replaced."
Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind.
"The Republican Party has been the party of fiscal restraint and responsibility since the free-spending days of the New Deal. However, if present spending habits persist, we’re going to have a hard time convincing voters that we can be trusted with the federal purse strings."
Rep. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz.
"In the eyes of many conservatives, today’s GOP simply has abandoned its limited government heritage to buy votes and gain political power in Washington."
Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas
"Over the past half year, conservatives have realized the spending and budget deficits are not solely the result of recession and 9/11. It’s becoming clear that these are permanent problems. Conservatives feel betrayed by President Bush, by the leadership in Congress, pretty much by all elected Republicans. For the most part, there has been surprisingly little leadership. ... The Medicare bill was an abomination."
Brian Reidl
Heritage Foundation
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