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Jan5th.. Tavis Smiley gets his own show on KCET (PBS)

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SoCalDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-12-03 12:58 AM
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Jan5th.. Tavis Smiley gets his own show on KCET (PBS)
Edited on Fri Dec-12-03 01:01 AM by SoCalDem
I really enjoy him..I hope his show is like his radio show was.. Maybe there is some hope for us yet.. Check your won PBS and see if he's gonna be on where you are :)..

Too bad he's not going on a more watched venue..



December 01, 2003

“Intelligent entertainment” may seem a contradiction in terms, but not to Tavis Smiley. It is the guiding principle for his new late night television show debuting on PBS stations nationwide on January 5. The Tavis Smiley show is a natural progression for a commentator and personality who has been heralded for bringing a fresh and uniquely insightful vitality to broadcast media, just as he has recently done with his groundbreaking show on National Public Radio (NPR).

The program will be produced at KCET/Hollywood studios and is the first West Coast talk show for PBS. It is scheduled to air weeknights during a PBS late-night schedule, which also includes Charlie Rose.Tavis promises that his new program will be a compelling and distinctive choice for late night viewers. First and foremost, the show will feature subject matter that is enlightening, encouraging and empowering; ultimately challenging viewers to re-examine their assumptions.

Tavis Smiley will present ideas and opinions that break new ground above and below the radar as he talks to news and history-makers. On the lighter side, figures from popular culture will have an opportunity to reveal a deeper and more dynamic side than what is normally seen on other programs.Tavis will continue to feature the most coveted guests.

It was Tavis to whom Bill Clinton gave his first interview after a lengthy silence following the Monica Lewinsky affair, one of the record-setting number of one-on-one sessions he had with the sitting President (shared with Jim Lehrer of PBS). Pope John Paul II, Fidel Castro, Bill Gates, George W. Bush, Oprah, Kofi Annan and Condoleeza Rice are among the many major world figures on his list.


In style and format, Tavis Smiley will stress dialogue over monologue, the sensibility and spontaneity of a conversation rather than an interview. The fast-paced thirty minutes (divided into three segments) will bring important perspectives to the issues that impact our world, define our culture and express our broad diversity across all boundaries of age, race, ethnicity and gender. One distinctive signature of the new show will be the final segment, which will bring forward a story that will "leave viewers with a smile on their faces at bedtime.”


“Now more than ever, it is critical that we create a society that understands and respects diverse viewpoints and experiences. I look forward to working with KCET to bring my program to PBS, where different voices are embraced. As with my radio show, my new television show is designed to introduce Americans to each other,” Tavis confirms.Tavis Smiley is a production of KCET/Hollywood in association with Tavis Smiley. Underwriting is provided by Toyota, Wal-Mart, PBS, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, The Annie E. Casey Foundation, FannieMae Foundation and the National Black Programming Consortium. Neal Kendall is executive producer. Mary Mazur is KCET executive producer. Karen Hunte is the executive-in-charge for KCET.

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Bozita Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-12-03 01:27 AM
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1. Underwritten by Wal-Mart?
That's a surprise.
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