Al Gore versus Ralph Nader is one of the most enduring controversies of our pathetic era. Democrats and Greens are so obsessed with their little cat fight, they lose sight of the big picture.
Some simple research and logic clears up many of the complexities and presents us with some solutions.
Most Democrats' arguments fall into two categories:
1. Ralph Nader should not have run because he was unelectable, and any good that came from his campaign was dwarfed by the votes he cost Al Gore, who, of course, was elected but not selected.
2. Ralph Nader is a jerk (or "worse than Hitler," etc.), period.
A big problem with the first argument is the extraordinary hypocrisy. Many Democrats seem to essentially say, "We're the only party capable of beating Bush and reforming the government." Yet Al Gore ran an extraordinarily lousy campaign on his own demerits, after which the Democrats turned into an auxiliary of the GOP.
The other problem is that the entire debate is focused on just one political campaign (or two, if Nader runs again in 2004), at the expense of the big picture. If good candidates don't run because they're "unelectable," won't we be condemned to voting for the lesser of evils - a strategy that only guarantees evil?
Or if 2000 wasn't the time for such a bold campaign, when IS the time? Every year offers a new excuse (or the same old excuse). Democrats blew Campaign 2002, then they blew Campaign 2003. Now America's back is to the wall, and it still isn't clear if Democrats are going to offer a respectable performance or simply a performance.
Keep in mind that candidates for public office can influence races other than their own. Nader's candidacy presumably helped get some outsiders elected to local offices, which is a good thing. Practically speaking, the only hope of reforming this country comes from the grassroots; the White House is virtually a lost cause at this point.
So it's good that Ralph Nader ran for the presidency, injecting a little life in an otherwise pathetic campaign and helping the grassroots grab a little power, right?
Not necessarily. Ralph Nader IS a jerk. The problem is that Democrats and Greens are both too ignorant, arrogant or corrupt to seek out the truth and publicize it.
Democrats' attacks on Nader push the envelope of absurdity. I've heard people complain that Nader is phony because he lives in a nice house. Like WHO CARES? I don't object to people honestly earning large amounts of money and spending it on nice houses.
If you want to know what Ralph Nader is all about, just investigate an issue where Democrats fear to tread - public education. One would expect an individual as reportedly intelligent and passionate as Ralph Nader to have a solid understanding of public education and go for the jugular, right?
In fact, Nader's Campaign 2000 education statement read like something he copied from the Democrats. In other words, it was a joke. Loosely translated, it said, "Let's help education by throwing more money at it!"
Apparently, someone forgot to tell Nader that public education has been privatized and is ruled by corporations, corrupt school officials and derelict teachers unions. Dumping more money on it is akin to fighting a fire by dousing it with gasoline.
But I voted for Nader anyway, because I had no solid evidence that he was corrupt, and Al Gore is a card-carrying member of the Education Mafia.
But I remained open-minded and kept my eyes open, and I finally found the evidence Democrats were apparently too lazy or clueless to dig up. It appeared in the pages of the Seattle Times, the corporate tabloid that endorsed George W. Bush.
The article was written by Keith Kervin, a certifiable media whore, and quotes Seattle School District spokesperson Lynn Steinberg, a media whore who jumped ship from the Seattle Times' inbred sibling - the Seattle Post-Intelligencer - to the the Seattle School District's communications department, after which she released information that may have contributed to a teacher's suicide. (I think the district framed him, with Steinberg's help, but that's another story.)
The article also mentions Green Party of Seattle chieftain Brita Butler-Wall and the "activist" organization she heads - Citizens' Campaign for Commercial-Free Schools. Both are as phony as George Bush's compassion.
Here's the URL and the key passage: News: Saturday, June 08, 2002
Seattle school district aims to be ad-free
"The district next week will receive a $5,000 award from a national anti-commercialism group, Commercial Alert, for the best effort in the nation to limit school advertising."
And here are links to a couple similar articles: things about this article blew me away. First it focused on so many derelicts - the author, media whore turned schools assassin Lynn Steinberg, Green Party thug Brita Butler-Wall and the Seattle School Board - every member of which is totally corrupt. Who in their right mind would give an award to the Seattle School Board?
The second amazing revelation was Commercial Alert. I wanted to learn more about this org, which is based in Portland, Oregon, so I visited their website at list Education as one of their areas of special interest, so I thought they might have a clue about it. But their Education page at the heading "Teacher Corruption," but not a peep about a far bigger problem - corrupt school officials and teachers unions. In fact, their education blabber is clueless, period.
Then I checked out their "About Us" page at, which lists their Board of Advisors. I e-mailed several of them, including John Taylor Gatto, a relatively famous "teacher activist," but I never got a response. No e-mail address was listed for Commercial Alert's chair - Ralph Nader. (I found it somewhat interesting that the articles in the Seattle Times and Seattle P-I didn't mention Nader.)
A quick word about school anti-commercialism groups: Most are shams. It's a national fad that's very similar to the "smaller classes" fad - it's just a ploy designed to dupe the public. These hoodlums have no intention of reducing class size or kicking Bill Gates out of public education. In fact, their constant harping about Coca Cola and Nike is designed to divert attention from the much bigger problem - a complete corporate takeover of what were once public schools. (I've never seen any of these groups even mention Bill Gates or Microsoft.)
Anyone associated with a lame anti-commercialism group that is in turn associated with the corrupt Citizens' Campaign for Commercial-Free Schools and gives awards to a body as corrupt as the Seattle School District is no friend of mine. These people are all crooks.
I publicized this sometime ago on the Smirking Chimp chatboard (, challenging Seattle Democrats and Greens to chime in. I expected Democrats to say, "Good job for smoking out the truth about Nader and that awful Brita Butler-Wall!" I expected Seattle Greens to either attack me or acknowledge the truth and promise they'd make an effort to clean up their act.
I got flamed, but not one individual supported or attacked Brita Butler-Wall, CCCS or Commercial Alert. It was as if no one wanted to talk about it. Then I got banned - I guess I gored someone's sacred cow.
What's the moral of the story? We're living in complex times, and people need to give the rhetoric a break and actually INVESTIGATE politicians, candidates and activist groups, applying a little logic to what they discover. At the same time, candidates and activists have an obligation to give the public the information they need to make informed decisions. (You won't find it on the websites maintained by Commercial Alert, let alone the Green Party of Seattle or the Citiziens' Committee for Commercial-Free Schools, at and
If anyone had told me the TRUTH about Ralph Nader, I would have voted for Al Gore, just as I'd probably vote for Joe "Nader" Lieberman if runs against Bush. But I would also use their campaign to publicize the horrible corruption in public education that both Ralph Nader and Al Gore are so much a part of, hoping to channel public anger into local efforts to fix the problem.
I have much more information about some of the individuals mentioned above, which I'll try to post one one of my websites soon.