This is a profound statement that we all need to be reminded of how the US media is not just biased to the right, but they will do ANYTHING to further the right.
There are many examples in this article of how the US media will lie, cheat, and steal to attack any Democrat who dares run for national office.
Read this, its unbelievable what the media and the 'paper of record' are capable of.
This article is long, and according to the rules I can only list four paragraphs, so please follow the link and get the whole story.
If you can't read it all now, I would suggest you just hit the 'print' button ... and later when you would normally sit down to read the lies in your local paper.. read this instead!
It's that good.
Trust me, you'll be much better for it,
============= THE LIAR OF RECORD
By David Podvin
The most important site in journalism is the front
page of The New York Times. More than any other print
or electronic source, it is the place that sets the
agenda for the reporting of each day’s events at
America’s media outlets. As a result, The Times is
renowned as “The Newspaper Of Record”, the most
frequently referenced news organization in the world.
It is a status that is not currently based on
journalistic excellence. Today, The New York Times is
just another of the media courtesans that promotes the financial interests of its parent company by servicing the Republican Party.
While an endorsement from The Times editorial page is
of little significance – even many local candidates
endorsed by the paper lose badly – the implicit
endorsement of the front page is priceless. In 2000,
George W. Bush received that front page endorsement,
and he would not be in the White House without it. The
themes that had been chosen by Republican strategists
– that Bush was “likeable” and Democratic nominee Al
Gore was “dishonest” – regularly appeared camouflaged
as news on the front page of The Times, and were
therefore echoed by the rest of the media.
Bush earned this vital assistance at the start of the
campaign when he became the only competitive candidate
in either major party who pledged to completely
deregulate the broadcasting industry. Such a change in government policy offered a financial bonanza to the media companies, because their profit margins would increase as mergers resulted in less competition. Gore had supported the partial deregulation of the telecommunications industry in 1996, but prior to the 2000 campaign announced that he opposed the changes advocated by the New York Times Company and the other major communications conglomerates. The vice president claimed that further consolidation of media ownership would deprive Americans of much-needed diversity in reporting.
The rest is here: