In the last debate, one of the candidates said that Bush could not work with our allies because he had compromised our good standing. The response was in what needs to be done to get our troops out of Iraq. If there any doubts, they were dispelled yesterday when Bush informed them that they would not be included in any of the reconstruction contracts. If we want our friends to assist us in getting out of this blunder of a quagmire, we will need someone other than George Bush to succeed.
George Bush poured fuel on the flames of the Iraq contracts dispute yesterday with a sneering dismissal of a suggestion by the German Chancellor that the decision to bar Germany, France Russia and Canada from bidding might violate international law.
"International law? I'd better call my lawyer," the American President joked in response to a reporter's question at the White House.
Gerhard Schröder had spoken earlier after a meeting in Berlin with Kofi Annan, the UN secretary general. Mr Annan called the decision by Paul Wolfowitz, the Deputy Defence Secretary, "unfortunate" and likely to damage attempts to rebuild transatlantic ties bruised by disagreement over the war....