to all those State legislators. He told the questioners that the Defense Dept. budget had nothing to do with the financial problems they are having in their States. Fed them the percentage lines of the overall budget, etc. Told them a bunch of bullshit about how the States are in charge of their own money and how they allocate it.
Then he had some Republican State Congresswoman plant who asked him how we could hear the good news with all the stories on TV and the internet about how bad things are going over there. Gave Rummy the opening to go on and on about the media reporting bad news and overlooking the good news.
I can't remember much of what he said about the draft, which means he didn't answer it directly. I think some bullshit about how we don't need it, but if we need it we will have it. When someone complained about the soldiers having to be rotated back to Irag, he got a little grouchy and said the bullshit about what they signed up for and they knew what they were getting into.
All in all, a stinky speech and answers to questions. I'll bet many of those State Representatives left that forum feeling mighty frustrated.