....so he can go serve in the military. He was called into active duty!
DUers, we need to shout this one from every mountain and hillside. A politician resigned from the Ohio Congress to go fight in a war.! Would a Repuke do that now? Heck no!
http://www.cantonrep.com/index.php?Category=13&ID=135997&r=8(free registration needed)
Rep. Boccieri to resign leadership role while serving in military
COLUMBUS - A Stark County lawmaker will resign his Democratic leadership position because he has been called to active military duty.
Rep. John Boccieri, D-New Middleton, will give up his position as assistant minority whip effective atthe end of the year. His replacement will be decided by House Democrats in early January.
Boccieri, however, will run for re-election in 2004 even though he's expected to be out of the district during the campaign season.
The House Minority Leader also threw down the gauntlet, daring Republicans to not try and take the seat...."People won't tolerate it. The governor and the president have said they support the troops. The Republican leadership should worry about John's family."
I know this man...he's a good man, and he's taking an amazing step in doing this.