As we quibble about who endorsed who and why they did, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan go on. Not to mention the corporate takeover of the third world for cheap labor and resources. Or, how about the undermining of free education in this country? The raping of the environment? The slow erosion of women's rights? The fact that "American Productivity" is built on the backs of American labor working for less and for longer hours at the mercy of the bosses? That people in this country do without health care because the capitalists control it?
I could go on and on. But, the point is, that we Democrats, and our Green allies, (yes, I do consider them allies) should be talking about the issues that separate us from the corporate party. Especially, the candidates and their followers who are challenging each others "electability" and who said what when. The endless nitpicking about non-issues is a futile exercise in one-upmanship that only helps Bush.
Bush can be defeated and the slide into corporate fascism can be halted if the candidates start focusing on the massive destruction that Bush and his corporate cronies are crushing the world with.
In case you haven't noticed lately, most of the world is on "our" side. Even in the countries that support the aggression in Iraq the people are against BushCorp.
"We", the people of the world are the overwhelming majority and "we" will eventually win.