George The Smarter, that is, back in '88. I voted in the Democratic primary, but went on to vote for GHW Bush in the general election. And I assure you, I did not do this because my guy lost in the primary (though he did lose). I voted for Poppy because I thought Poppy would be a better president than Dukakis.
If I thought Bush The Idiot would make a better president than the Democratic nominee this year, then why in the world would I vote for the Democratic nominee anyway? Conversely, if I thought the Democratic nominee would make a better president than Bush The Coward, then why in the world would you expect me to vote for Bush The Liar just because the Democratic nominee is not my first choice?
All of these "rally around the nominee" threads don't make a whole lot of sense to me.
Disclaimer: I would probably vote for the accused serial killer in northwestern Indiana over Bush on the basis that many a psychopath has proven to be an excellent leader of his country. How anyone regardless of ideology can look at the last three years and believe that Bush has proven to be anything but a complete, total incompetent is beyond me and should perhaps answer the challenge, "name ONE thing he hasn't fucked up".