The only issue that matters in this race for the presidency is electability—who can beat Bush. Our nominee needs three qualifications:
1. The trust of the majority of Democrats--meaning moderates, centrists, swing voters, independents--that he can put back into place the Democratic agenda for our country.
2. Strong foreign policy and military background that reassures the majority of Democrats and independents that he can keep them safe. We are running against a war president.
3. The assurance to the majority of Democrats that he will keep the middle-class tax cuts. Bush has been slashing taxes over the past three years so he can accuse the Democratic nominee of raising taxes again, on the middle class.
Look at the attack ads coming from the Republican National Committee, just beginning, against the Democratic candidates. Numbers 2 and 3 are exactly where they are hammering away.
Senator John Kerry fulfills all three qualifications superbly. He has spent his life as both a fighter/protestor and a builder of new, progressive directions at the national level. No other candidate comes close to him on these qualities.
Look at what he envisions for the first hundred days of a Kerry administration: a National Education Trust Fund; a new National Service; affordable health care; end of influence peddling from special interests; repeal of Bush’s assault on the environment; making the U.S. energy independent; rewarding companies that create jobs, not phony corporate profit; creating a middle class economy, not a privileged class economy; cutting the deficit in half in four years; rejoining the community of nations.
Kerry is the most electable and as president, will fight with us to bring our country back.