Edited on Fri Dec-12-03 05:06 PM by Wetzelbill
He appeared invincible and no big name Democrat wanted to waste their time by taking him on. Mario Cuomo -the likely strongest candidate at the time- said "no thanks" while retired Senator Paul Tsongas and a slightly obscure Arkansas Governor named Bill Clinton became the frontrunners in the early primaries. Clinton, younger than most prominent Democratic leaders by a decade or two, with no foreign policy experience and amid a tirade of personal attacks ended up winning the nomination with a combination of political skill, charisma and intellect. Next up, he took out both Bush and a Texas billionaire named Ross Perot and became President when it was unthinkable a little over a year before that Bush, Sr., could even be beaten. Big Bush's rating dropped 57 points in nearly a year, and the problemns he created were a mere pittance compared to what his son has amassed. So this begs the question: Can Howard Dean -or any other candidate beat Shrub in November 2004? Answer? You damn well bet they can. So don't believe all this garbage about Dean or whomever not being electable.
Remember in the fall of 1992, just how desperate the elder Bush became, Whitewater, Gennifer Flowers, all of which was sordid and unfounded. Clinton prevailed by fighting back and countering it all with his charisma -remember the Elvis shades and the sax?- and unwillingness to buckle under the pressure of dirty tactics.
So let's go out and win this thing. Dems will be Dems so we will fight, argue and kick and punch each others lights out when it comes to who we support but come Convention time, let's fight fire with fire and take Bush out. Any of our candidates whether, it is Dean, Kerry, Clark, Edwards, Kucinich or a mop with a wig on it, are as electable as we make them. I said what I wanted. ::whew:: Feel better now.