NOTICE: repetition of worn out, freeped out, out dated selection of official freeper "demonization" "buzzwords" !
They're sooooooo still in the 1980's.
The worried conservatives are afraid that during the general election Dean will try to show his record as a “Centrist” when he was governor of Vermont, where he can claim he was a fiscal conservative by balancing the budget of Vermont. This is a really shallow argument since balancing the budget in Vermont does not mean that his is fiscally conservative. In fact during Dean governorship in Vermont from 1992-2000, the spending of the State almost doubled and most of the spending went into social welfare programs. He also increased the sales tax, and today Vermont ranks in the top three highest state income tax in the country. Dean has transformed Vermont into a socialist state. Be sure that Dean fiscal record in the socialist state of Vermont will be exposed in great details by the Bush campaign next year.
However Dean bigger problem is not how he spent the money in the socialist state of Vermont but how he is going to spend the American people money if he becomes President. The first thing in his agenda is to increase taxes on all the people who pay taxes. Liberals “clintonize” this by saying that Dean is going to repeal the Bush tax cut for everyone but this does not mean that he is increasing taxes. Great argument!!! If an individual pays $ 1000 a month in federal taxes under the current Bush tax cut, he or she will be paying $ 1200 a month under Dean “repeal the Bush tax act”, and according to Dean and the liberals, this is not a tax increase. Either these people are idiots or they think that the American people are idiots who do not know what is a tax increase, and in either case it is a very bad losing argument for Dean.