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First Time Voter?

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TXvote Donating Member (317 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-12-03 09:59 PM
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First Time Voter?
I wanna hear some "gonna cast my ballot in '04 for the first time" stories. Maybe somebody that is returning to the polls after missing a few elections. And what about some tell of people who are working face to face registration drives this past fall? How's the recruiting going? Are you registering voters? Is there good news from the front?

There are people in the press that want to hear if the citizenry is motivated and mobilized around voter registration. Non partisan inspirational role model worthy activities are particularly sought for the benefit of reaching an extra large audience. Worth some coverage, don't you think? I know you think. Lay it on us.

So, come on all you story tellers and talk about casting your ballot and convincing others to cast theirs. Anyone in Cali finally getting a chance to look back on the fall?

I have my own little contribution at The idea is to embrace new voters with love and fun and affection so they feel inspired to paricipate. Guaranteed to make you smile.

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IronLionZion Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-12-03 10:08 PM
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1. first time for me
will be the PA primary in April so I still have time to decide on a candidate. I was only 17 during the 2000 election and I missed the deadline for absentee ballots in 2002. Gore still got PA and Rendell still won so it didn't bother me too much.

I was supporting John McCain until that bastard beat him in the Republican primary. Then I switched to Gore. I knew Bush was bad all along from looking at his right wing nuts he hung out with.
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