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On CSpan 1 NOW, 'Media Coverage in the NH Primary"

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Gloria Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-13-03 12:21 AM
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On CSpan 1 NOW, 'Media Coverage in the NH Primary"
with the icky Walter Shapiro along with local reporters...

The woman moderating it just made an interestig comment: that NH no longer reliably produces the winners of the nominations any more.
She cited Buchanan and McCain who won and never got the nomination.
Obviously, Clinton didn't win it...

Food for thought.....
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TacticalPeek Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-13-03 12:35 AM
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1. They've been having an interesting discussion.
Shapiro and some NH newsies.

But I got a little spooked when they chewed over historical echoes, like Dukakis getting early preemption and big campaign financing, and like '72 McGovern/Nixon.

A difference is the dirt and downfall has started about a year earlier for Shrib than Tricky Dick.

And Clark is still possible.


This is worth catching if rebroadcast.

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deminflorida Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-13-03 01:21 AM
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2. Interesting to see Dean's poll numbers late next week, and then
right after the holiday season...Really interesting after holiday season because I believe the campaigns will slow down...workers going home, etc...and no time for any more hanky panky....of course those attack ads will be playing, and that's while families are together. So you know politics will be in the air for discussion.

I can hear it now....

Gee, did ya see that shit on T.V. about Dean, they've got a point...Bush is so screwed up he hasn't even tried to catch Bin Laden. That bastard is still out there, do ya think Dean's the best guy to put in the white house with that maniac on the loose?

I know...I've been hearing alot of crap about Dean lately, what's the deal with those records anyway. Do you think he's trying to hide something?

Well I heard he skipped out of the Vietnam War and went snow skiing in Aspen...

What you mean he was a draft dodger?

Before the flames fly....I don't for one minute think there's any substance to any of this crap....but it's relevent. Like I posted earlier this week right after the ABC debate, and the "Is there any reason you could justify lying to the American People?" question...

I think the media loves drama...and the Gore endorsement was so dramatic coming early. I honestly believe they're after him because the best drama is the biggest guy falling on his face.

The simple fact is that our society has become addicted to television with no substance what so ever, and our news is nothing more than a three ring circus. I mean look at the damn court T.V. programs, Abrams Report, Cops, Jerry Springer. We've become a British like tabloid society since the O.J. Simpson Trial because the media business learned there was money in it.

Maybe we should take a lesson from the Italians this week who are asking everyone in their society to turn off the tube for a weekend, in protest of the lack of substance on their national programming, which to the most part is a monopoly owned by their prime minister.

Maybe we should do the same just to try and regain our sanity. Anyway Dean and Trippi have their hands full now, they are under an all out assault.
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