Edited on Sat Dec-13-03 08:39 AM by mikehiggins
Beating Bush is the issue. None of the candidates signed up to beat Howard Dean in the first place. He just managed to become the frontrunner through some astute policy placement and a here-to-fore unseen level of Internet involvement.
Thinking that beating these people are in the race to beat Dean as a cause in its own right is somewhat more "egotistical" than recognising each of these people (well, most of them) seriously beleive that he or she would be the best Democratic candidate for President in the general election.
If we did not follow the "primary" system, and the candidates were chosen by the party insiders, Dean wouldn't even be discussed. The race would be between Kerry and Gephardt and Lieberman and the winner would be anybody's guess. Clark, Edwards and all the others would be going about their business without anyone even knowing they wanted to be the Chief Executive.
Kerry and Gephardt and Lieberman don't see Dean as a major threat to world democracy, nor do they see his "miracle" campaign as anything more than old wine in a new bottle. Next time out everyone will be hopping on the electronic highway early and often, with slick and polished campaigns designed by media superstars. This time out Dean got the jump on them and they're finding it hard to remove this pesky obstacle to their ambitions.
There's actually nothing "personal" or "get Dean" involved except for the fact that they have to get past him to have a shot. Right now the Dean camp appears to have personalised this whole thing, which is okay for pep rallies but works against success in the long run.
And I, of course, don't think your guy has a chance against Bush unless, as they say, the President is found in bed with a dead woman or a live boy. And maybe not then.
The more successful Dean appears, and the more likely it seems that a Yankee liberal who opposes tax cuts and supports gay marriage could become president, the more "motivated" and fanatic the right wing will become. This is not going to be an easy fight for any of the candidates and it is foolish to think otherwise.
edit: some misspellings that I recognised ;^) after posting