Edited on Sat Dec-13-03 03:23 PM by gulliver
Dear George and Laura,
I just wanted to express my sincerest thanks to you and your administration. Under your leadership of America, China has prospered like never before.
Our relationship with North Korea has never been better. You didn't have to threaten them, of course. You could have just let sleeping dogs lie. But by threatening North Korea, you have done what some said could not be done: strengthened world communism in its darkest hour. For that, the Chinese government is deeply in your debt.
Thanks to you, we now have unheard-of leverage throughout the world. You have given us inroads into the U.S. textile and manufacturing markets beyond our wildest dreams. By weakening your own country's bargaining position, you have done for the Chinese economy what any other American president would have (selfishly) done only for the American economy.
The "wink-wink" lip service you paid to protectionism for textiles worked well, I think. Southerners heard you say the right words. I trust we won't be implementing those protections any time soon. Tee-hee. We'll do our best to kick and scream about the few protections you do impose so you look good.
George, the Chinese people need your American leadership now more than ever. If the Democrats succeed in 2004, China would suffer for it. Aside from our inroads into your economy, China stands to lose important foreign policy strength if a Democrat wins the election. For example, we would need to go back to the bad old days of improving our human rights performance. We would have to stick to our international treaties on refugee status... it would be a nightmare. And don't even get me started on Taiwan (thanks again for your help there, BTW).
My best to you, Laura, and the twins (please find twin bottles of Stoli, enclosed),