Edited on Sat Dec-13-03 10:19 PM by unblock
our fearful commander-in-thief, who has not yet attended a single soldier's funeral, who has not permitted photos of flag-draped coffins, and who has not yet even acknowledged that our soldiers are being killed, will surely do SOMETHING before the elections.
my guess:
he will do something official and combine it with a HUEUEUEUEUGE patriotic/military ceremony. i imagine he will dedicate a portion of arlington cemetary to soldiers fallen in the glorious war on terror. he will sign something, and deliver a eulogy for all the soldiers -- or maybe another tomb-of-the-unknown monument. much military fanfare, many, many flags, and many fox announcers insisting that, whatever speech he reads, it rivals the gettysburg address.
why do i think they'll do this?
because it's exactly what i would advise bush to do, were i his strategist, and presuming my brain survived the transition to pure evil.
whaddya think, and how do we counter the MASSIVE surge in the polls that something like this would surely generate?