Rather, what will the media report?
1. Saddam Hussein was being escorted to an Iraqi facility when the vehicle he was transported in struck an improvised explosive device.
2. Saddam Hussein was being transported in a helicopter that crashed, apparently after being hit by a missile that was obviously supplied by Iran.
3. A mob of angry Iraqis stormed the soldiers guarding Saddam Hussein and killed him as they chanted, "Long live George Bush, the Great Liberator!"
4. Saddam Hussein was killed by a Kurdish mob.
5. Saddam Hussein was killed when one of his armed guards opened a vial of weapons of mass destruction which was accidentally triggered before he could target an American convoy. The explosion left a crater that reportedly measures half a mile across.
6. Somehow, Saddam Hussein managed to break free. He grabbed a gun and killed two Americans before George W. Bush nailed him with a shot through the heart.
7. Saddam Hussein committed suicide while in prison. All of his assistants committed suicide, too. When they heard the news, his family committed suicide.
8. God smote Saddam Hussein and commanded George W. Bush to continue his war against evil.
9. Haliburton killed Saddam Hussein, then sent the U.S. government a bill for $48 million.
10. Saddam Hussein was killed by Private Jessica Lynch, who mysteriously re-enlisted.